
Parents Read Too!

The children aren't the only ones reading at LP!  In fact, did you know that there is a whole section of the LP Library dedicated to books for parents?  That's right, and to make it a bit easier for parents to find out what those titles are, the LP Reads Team has started a Goodreads.com account for LP parents.

The "LP Parents Read" account on Goodreads.com has a shelf that is called "Available at the LP Library," so no longer will you have to make your way to the library to see if Mrs. Helton is currently stocking the title you are interested in.  The Goodreads.com account currently has 114 books featured and you can search shelves dedicated to "Parenting and Discipline," "Bullying," "ADD/ADHD," "Child Development," "Education Reform," "Motivation," and more!

Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovation in our SchoolsThe current book selection for "LP Parents Read" is Education Nation by Milton Chen.

You can become friends with "LP Parents Read" by following this link, signing up for your own account, and then adding "LP Parents Reads" as a friend.*

If you have read a book that you don't see on the shelves that you'd like to recommend to other parents, please be sure to send an email to lpreads@gmail.com.  

*Note:  LP Parents Read and LP Reads are not "groups" on Goodreads.com.  You can find them as friends by looking under the Friends tab to search current Goodreads' members.

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